Why Choose Stem Cell Therapy vs Orthopedic Surgery?

Stem cell therapy is an effective, non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that requires no hospital visit or downtime afterward. It’s much less painful than traditional orthopedic surgery, and you won’t have a large incision. General anesthesia is not used during the procedure, and the recovery is minimal. You may walk out of the procedure room when it is finished, and you can expect to perform your normal everyday activities for the first month with the same mobility as when you arrived for the procedure.

You can be confident that stem cell therapy is an effective alternative to orthopedic surgery. Bone marrow cellular therapy has had well-known and well-documented success in decreasing the symptoms of osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and knee injuries, often dramatically improving mobility and decreasing pain. For example, research published in the International Journal of Cell Biology showed pain and mobility scores for patients who had stem cell therapy were more improved after two years than for patients who had total knee replacements. Dr. Charles Lee at Regenesis Stem Cell Center has offered stem cell therapy procedures since 2014 with an excellent track record. 90% of his patients are now referred to Regenesis by previous bone marrow stem cell patients.

Aside from effectiveness, stem cell therapy has significant advantages over orthopedic surgery with regard to the procedure itself. Many patients who are considering orthopedic surgery for arthritis inflammation, wear and tear damage to joint, muscle, or tendon injuries, or back pain have concerns about the risks, invasiveness, and recovery time of orthopedic surgery. If you are considering surgery, you may be worried about the risks of anesthesia because of previous negative experiences or because of your age. If you are an athlete or lead a busy, demanding lifestyle, maybe you want to avoid a lengthy recovery period following surgery. Age, overall health, or the complications of a secondary illness are other factors that might make you want to avoid surgery as well.

Stem cell therapy carries lower risks than surgical procedures because it is non-invasive, with no large incisions and, therefore, no surgical wounds or scars. Since the procedure is performed without general anesthesia, stem cell therapy is safer, especially for patients who have experienced an adverse reaction to anesthetics or whose age and coexisting diseases make them more at risk for an adverse reaction. For the most active patients, recovery time is minimal, with regular everyday activity recommended for the first month. At Regenesis, you can expect to return for a follow-up after one month, when we may recommend some physical therapy. However, if you’re feeling real well, you won’t even need physical therapy. Usually, our patients proclaim a successful therapy at their three or six follow-up month visit. We have a patient registry and measure all manner of pain and mobility scores, but the accurate measure of success is when our patients are satisfied with their results and would do it again, given the out-of-pocket expense. Most healing occurs between three to six months after stem cell therapy, so even the recovery time for stem cell therapy is much quicker than for surgery.

Contact Us To Learn How Stem Cell Therapy Can Help You

Stem cell therapy is an excellent alternative to orthopedic surgery. It is much less invasive and has little to no recovery time. Contact us today to learn how Regenesis can help you.

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The Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy vs Surgery