Stem Cell Therapy for Foot and Ankle Pain

Stem Cell Therapy for Foot & Ankle Pain

Dr. Charles Lee of Regenesis Stem Cell Center offers state-of-the-art stem cell therapy to address ankle and foot pain comprehensively. Our patients see improved mobility, range of motion, and decreased pain after successful injections to address tendon or ligament injuries or arthritis damage. At Regenesis, our patients choose stem cell therapy because they want an effective way to heal the source of the pain in their ankles or feet without the risks and long recovery of invasive surgery.

Causes of Foot and Ankle Pain Treated with Stem Cell Therapy

Our stem cell therapy provides relief from many causes of foot and ankle pain, including:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles Tendon Injuries
  • Ankle and Foot Sprains
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bone-on-bone degeneration
  • Tibiotalar arthritis
  • Sub-talar degeneration
  • Tibiofibular arthritis and tendinosis

Who Should Consider Stem Cell Therapy?

If you feel frustrated by pain in your foot and ankle, and traditional treatments like medications and physical therapy aren’t helping, stem cell therapy could offer a low-risk, noninvasive solution. For example, about 25,000 people sprain their ankles each day. A common sports injury, sprains are caused by stepping, rotating, or twisting the ankle and foot either inwards or outwards. Most foot and ankle sprain injuries are mild and resolve with ice for bruising and rest. More severe sprains require months of rest, a boot, and anti-inflammatory medication. Some sprains, however, don’t seem to heal. Instead, they linger and linger. For all types of sprains, stem cell therapy and/or platelet-rich plasma can decrease pain and speed up the time the foot or ankle takes to heal.

For some patients, the source of their ankle or foot pain comes from a lifetime of minor wear and tear injuries that result in osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, which can even affect the toes and toe joints. Because we rely on our feet to get us everywhere we want to go, the small joints in our feet recover more slowly and require more time to heal. Whether your foot or ankle pain is from an injury, from arthritis, or from other types of wear and tear, you should consult with Dr. Lee about stem cell therapy to alleviate your discomfort.

Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy for Foot and Ankle Pain

Stem cell therapy is an effective solution to a lingering and debilitating plantar fasciitis, sprained ligament or tendon, or arthritis in your foot or ankle, especially for those who need to quickly return to sports or an active lifestyle or job. Regardless of the cause of foot and ankle pain, your stem cells can concentrate, focus, and activate the body’s natural healing process of regeneration. Stem cell therapy can speed your recovery, decrease pain, and return function to your feet and ankles much faster than conservative treatment.

What to Expect from Stem Cell Therapy for Foot and Ankle Pain at Regenesis

Your stem cell therapy will be performed by Dr. Lee at the Regenesis Stem Cell Center in Huntsville, Alabama, with no need to visit a hospital. Since the foot is a complex mechanical system involving 33 joints and 26 bones, your precise diagnosis is essential before we can plan your stem cell therapy. Dr. Lee will thoroughly review your medical history, conduct an independent medical examination, and use advanced imagery and ultrasound to identify damaged areas in your ankle or foot. Then we can develop a comprehensive plan to address your specific needs.

When you come to Regenesis for stem cell therapy, Dr. Lee will prepare your own stem cells and platelet-rich plasma. Beginning at conception, your stem cells are first formed, eventually giving rise to all the cells in your body. For the repair and regeneration of stem cell therapy, we use the entire entourage of bone marrow stem cells, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSC’s). MSC’s are a specific type of stem cell that can divide into various important cells, including bone, connective tissue, skin, and cartilage. Your own bone marrow contains robust reservoirs for mesenchymal stem cells. At Regenesis, our stem cell therapy includes using platelet-rich plasma concentrated from your blood as an adjunct to bone marrow cells. These platelets generate an outpouring of growth factors that stimulate healing and activate stem cells in the injured or damaged joint, muscle, or tissue. According to clinical studies, even platelet-rich plasma injections will improve function and decrease pain.

To prepare your stem cells for use with oral or IV sedation, Dr. Lee will use a local anesthetic and carefully remove bone marrow containing your stem cells. Then, while you wait in our comfortable clinic, we process, concentrate, and separate the stem cells from the marrow. After about two hours, the processing is complete. You are given additional sedation and a foot numbing block, then Dr. Lee will use real-time fluoroscopy and ultrasound to precisely inject your own live stem cells and platelet-rich plasma into your ankle or foot at specific locations such as in joints, bones, tendons, ligaments, or tissue. Usually, the injections take about 20 to 30 minutes. Your live stem cells and platelet-rich plasma immediately supercharge the body's natural healing and regenerative capacity. You will leave the clinic with the same mobility you had before the procedure, but you will see improvements in function over the next three to six months as the injured tissue, ligaments, tendons, and bone repair. Happily, pain relief may begin much sooner.

Begin Your Stem Cell Therapy for Foot and Ankle Pain

If you have ankle or foot pain from a ligament or tendon injury, plantar fasciitis, a sprain, osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease, or an unsuccessful surgery, consider stem cell therapy to improve mobility, decreased pain, and healing. Contact Regenesis Stem Cell Center today for a stem cell consultation. Please reach us through our contact form or call us at (256) 715-8193.

Regenesis Patient Testimonial

Michael Clendenen

Dr. Charles Lee of the Regenesis Stem Cell Therapy Center

Dr. Charles Lee – Specializes in Stem Cell Therapy and Procedures for Foot and Ankle Pain

Contact Us To Learn How Stem Cell Therapy Can Help With Your Foot and Ankle Pain

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Stem Cell Therapy for Foot and Ankle Pain

Natural Healing – Regardless of the cause of foot and ankle pain, your own stem cells can be used to concentrate, focus, and activate the body’s natural healing process of regeneration.

Meet the Regenesis Team

Successful Procedure Begins with an Exceptional Staff

Each member of the highly skilled team at Regenesis Stem Cell Center is dedicated to helping you, our patients. We care deeply about the health and wellbeing of each individual who visits our clinic because, at Regenesis, our patients always come first. Our talented and exceptionally trained health care providers and support staff all play a key role in the success of the stem cell therapy procedures at Regenesis. With our years of experience and commitment to offering state-of-the-art regenerative medicine options, our priority is to offer each patient the highest possible quality of care so we can celebrate successful outcomes together.

Mandy Caruso

Mandy Caruso, MSN, CRNP, FNP-C

Nurse Practitioner

Mandy Caruso has more than 10 years of experience in various areas of nursing including cardiology, outpatient surgery, mental health, pediatrics, hormone replacement therapy, and stem cell therapy.

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Courtney Wagner of Regenesis Stem Cell Center

Courtney Wagner

Front Office Administrator

Courtney brings over a decade of financial and customer service experience to Regenesis and has a passion for helping people. Courtney began her career with Regenesis in February 2021. Quality customer service and patient care are top priorities for Courtney and she continues to provide this for our patients here at Regenesis.

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Shelby Nelson

Shelby Nelson