Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain
Regenesis offers extensive care for shoulder pain using state-of-the-art stem cell therapy
At Regenesis Stem Cell Center, Dr. Charles Lee offers extensive therapy for shoulder pain using state-of-the-art bone marrow cellular therapy. Our non-surgical procedure initiates the body’s repair and regeneration processes to successfully provide relief from shoulder pain. Cellular therapy can alleviate discomfort and improve mobility from shoulder injuries, such as damage to a rotator cuff tendon or a labrum sprain or tear, or from degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis in the shoulder. Patients at Regenesis choose stem cell therapy to improve function in their shoulder joint and decrease their pain without the risk and inconvenience of traditional surgery.
Shoulder Pain or Injuries Addressed with Bone Marrow Stem Cell Therapy at Regenesis
Stem cell therapy at Regenesis can treat the following types of shoulder pain and injuries:
- Rotator cuff tendonitis or tears
- Biceps tendon tear or sprain
- Bursitis
- Chronic glenoid-humeral ligament sprains
- Labral tears
- Subacromial impingement syndrome
- Instability
- Tendonitis or chronic tendinosis
- Arthritis
- AC joint instability or arthritis
- Subacromial compression syndrome
Why Choose Stem Cell Therapy?
If you experience shoulder pain from a new or old injury or even from wear and tear in the joint, stem cell therapy can provide relief. Traditional orthopedic care offers few options to address shoulder pain other than anti-inflammatory medications and surgery. If you lead an active life or want to avoid the possible dangers of an invasive surgical procedure, you should consider stem cell therapy with Dr. Lee at Regenesis as a safe, effective option for reducing shoulder pain without surgery.
The Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain
Stem cell therapy initiates the body’s own natural system for repairing damaged painful tissue, called regeneration. It requires no general anesthesia or downtime, and the recovery time is much shorter than for traditional orthopedic surgery. Most importantly, stem cell therapy works effectively. Our patients have had remarkable success in decreasing shoulder pain from tendonitis or arthritis inflammation and damage as well as from injuries such as rotator cuff tears or shoulder sprains.
What to Expect from Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain at Regenesis
Dr. Lee will perform your stem cell therapy at the Regenesis Stem Cell Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Conveniently, you will not need to go to a hospital. Because the shoulder joint is one of the most complex in the human body, it is essential to precisely diagnose the source of your shoulder pain. Dr. Lee will need to conduct a review of your medical history and a thorough medical examination, incorporating information from advanced imagery and ultrasound before proceeding with your stem cell therapy. After identifying the injured or damaged areas in your shoulder, we can form a comprehensive procedure plan.
When the day of your stem cell therapy arrives, we need to prepare your own bone marrow cells and platelet-rich plasma to use in the procedure. At conception, your first stem cells are formed, and they eventually give rise to all the different cells in the body. Because our goal in stem cell therapy is repair and regeneration, we have a minimum number of nucleated cells we harvest from your bone marrow for therapy knowing a specific type of stem cell called mesenchymal stem cells (MSC’s) are present at certain levels. MSC’s support the repair and regeneration of bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, muscle, and fat. Robust reservoirs of mesenchymal stem cells are found in your own bone marrow. In addition, stem cell therapy at Regenesis includes using platelet-rich plasma that we concentrate from your blood after removing the red blood cells. Platelets are an abundant source of growth factors that spur the healing process and signal stem cell migration, activation, and differentiation in injured or damaged areas.
For your stem cell therapy, using a local anesthetic and oral or IV sedation, Dr. Lee will gently remove bone marrow containing your own stem cells. In our lab, we then concentrate and remove your stem cells from the sample. You will wait in the comfort of our clinic while the cells process for about two hours. Then, while you are under sedation and often a complete numbing shoulder block, Dr. Lee will use real-time fluoroscopy and ultrasound to inject your own concentrated live bone marrow cells and platelet-rich plasma into precise locations in your shoulder such as the cartilage, bone, ligaments, muscle, fat, tendons, or soft tissue. The injections containing your own live stem cells and platelet-rich plasma will be complete after about 20 to 30 minutes. The therapy jumpstarts your body’s natural healing and regenerative processes. While the injured tissue will repair itself over the next three to six months, pain relief may begin much sooner.
Begin Your Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain
If you have shoulder pain from arthritis or tendonitis, wear and tear, residual pain from unsuccessful orthopedic shoulder surgery, or a new or old shoulder injury such as torn or damaged cartilage, ligaments, or tendons, stem cell therapy could help you boost your mobility, decrease your pain, avoid surgery, or improve your outcome after surgery. Contact Regenesis Stem Cell Center today for a stem cell consultation. Please reach us through our contact form or call us at (256) 715-8193.

Dr. Charles Lee – Specializes in Stem Cell Therapy and Procedures for Shoulder Pain
Contact Us To Learn How Stem Cell Therapy Can Help With Your Shoulder Pain
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Precision Injections – Dr. Lee will use real-time fluoroscopy and ultrasound to precisely inject your own purified live stem cells and platelet-rich plasma into your shoulder at specific locations like the joint, bone, cartilage, ligaments, muscle, or soft tissue.